This is how we work - efficient QA processes for digital excellence Learn more




Dein Partner für
digitale Qualitätssicherung 

Steigere mit unseren QA Services und Software Testing die Qualität deiner digitalen Produkte.

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Increase the quality of your digital products

Software testing thought to the end.

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Testers at testing area


The full-service solution for your software QA

As a team of quality assurance experts, we know the challenges of complex software development and the potential of convincing, user-oriented digital products. We develop individual, reliable test procedures and support you during all steps of your quality assurance: through manual testing, test automation, user experience services or QA consulting.

Die Full-Service Lösung für deine Software QA

Als Team von Expert*innen der Quality Assurance kennen wir die Herausforderungen komplexer Softwareentwicklung und die Potentiale überzeugender, nutzerorientierter Digitalprodukte. Dafür entwickeln wir individuelle, verlässliche Testverfahren und begleiten dich bei allen Schritten deiner Qualitätssicherung: durch manuelles Testing, Test Automation, User Experience Services oder QA-Consulting.


We cover your quality assurance, to uncover your potential

Steigere mit unseren QA Services und Software Testing die Qualität deiner digitalen Produkte.

Kontaktiere uns

Quality assurance from app to web

We support over 200 partners from a wide range of industries with their QA, from the prototype to the finished product in all phases of software development.


Increase the quality of your products with external QA 

External testing, QA consulting or our user experience solutions help you to improve the quality and speed of your software development. We integrate ourselves into your processes and support with scalable methods at every test level. With our pool of real devices and over 1,000 device combinations, we test in line with your target group. We work with the right test subjects for your usability testing. Our trained team is there to support you personally. Thanks to efficient onboarding, we can start your testing after just a few weeks.

When is external QA the right solution for you?  

Appmatics services help you to overcome QA challenges and with testing in
the software development process.  



No clear processes, responsibilities and no defined QA strategy.


of ressources

Time constraints or capacity shortage in your development team. 


High number
of bugs

Many errors occur during the development process and hotfixes put a strain on your team.

Icon-bad customer feedback

Bad customer

The quality of your software can not convince your users.

About us

Since our foundation in 2014, we stand for agile and personal QA solutions.
Find out more about our team and our history.


Über uns

Seit unserer Gründung in 2014 stehen wir für agile und persönliche QA-Lösungen.
Erfahre mehr über unser Team und unsere Geschichte.

Schau dir an, wie man Erfolg testen kann

Our services

Service overview

We support you with QA services and testing methods in the following areas:

  Manual Testing
  Test Automation
  IoT Testing
  Agile Testing
  User Experience Services
  Accessibility Testing
  QA Consulting Services


Manual Testing

We check your product for functionality using structured test plans and exploratory test phases. Our test methods offer you the right solution for your QA challenge:

  Feature Testing
  Regression Testing
  Release Testing
  Agile Testing

Read the service page

Icon_Screen_Smartphone_in use
Test Automation

We identify errors and deviations in your product using automated test methods. Our services increase the efficiency of your software development:

GUI Testing
API Testing
Load- and Performance Testing
End-to-End Monitoring
Consulting and p
otential analysis for test automation

Read the service page

Agile Testing

We combine manual and automated testing and integrate ourselves into your agile development process.

Agile Testing with Appmatics

Read the service page

IoT Testing

With our IoT testing, we ensure that your products meet the requirements of your users in terms of technology and usability. To achieve this, we install a customized setup for your test runs in our IoT workshop. 

  Connectivity tests
  Functionality tests

Read the service page


User Experience Services

We determine data and results for you regarding the needs, requirements and goals of your users. Our range of tools and methods helps you to implement the expectations of your target group in development:

User Research 
Usability & UX Testing

Read the service page

Accessibility Testing

We help you to make your digital product accessible. Our test methods provide you with insight into accessibility deficiencies in accordance with the WCAG and BITV guidelines:

Accessibility Pre-Testing
Manual Accessibility Testing
Usability Testing

Read the service page

How accessible is your product? Start the free WCAG Quick-Check

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We support you with your needs analysis and the development of an individual QA strategy and action plan: 

  Status quo analysis
  QA Basics workshop
  QA strategy w
  Test design workshop
  Defect management workshop
  Scrum workshop
  Tools, demo and implementation w
  QA documentation workshop

Read the service page

Which service is your choice?

You are still unsure which QA service can solve your current challenges? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to advise you without obligation. 

Simon Hinz, Strategic Product Lead 
Eurowings Digital

“The Appmatics team is like a safety net for us. Jointly created stable processes, proactive communication (during and between release acceptance) and the deep product understanding enables us to release more value for our users in significantly higher quality and frequency."

When is external QA the
right solution for you?  

The Appmatics services help you to overcome QA challenges and testing
in the software development process. 


Thanks to short onboarding times, we deliver initial testing results quickly.

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Flexible (tool-)connection
Whether Jira/X-Ray, Redmine, Azure DevOps or similar, we implement QA in your structures.


risk management
We ensure early detection of bugs and support you in rectifying errors. 


We offer you transparent insight into all QA processes and provide you with comprehensive support.


Time and
cost savings
Structured testing saves time and costs in your development process.


Combine our QA services individually for your phase in the development cycle.



Always looking for the latest trends and developments in IT and QA? Or would you like to find out more about our projects? 

In our insights you will find blog articles and more about our case studies.

Read the blog

Blopost_Teaser_Black Week Challenge

Blopost_Teaser_AI Act_english

Blogpost_Teaser_Selenium vs. Playwright_english

Appmatics Mitarbeiterinnen am Meetingtisch



Would you like to actively shape the experience of our digital world? Then become part of the team!

We are >200 experts from QA departments and our People & Culture, Finance and Marketing teams. Read more about your career opportunities.

To the open positions

Bugs found per month
Saved development resources
Test runs per month



Immer auf der Suche nach den neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen im Bereich IT und QA? Oder möchtest du mehr über unsere Projekte erfahren? 

In unseren Insights findest du Blogartikel und Einblicke in unsere Case Studies.

Zum Blog


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