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Agile office cultures: How to create a happy and efficient team


App development is often a creative and innovative process in which technical possibilities are constantly changing. Classic project planning often reaches its limits, as it is difficult to react to pre-defined goals and plans. Agile project management shifts the focus from the plan to the result and ensures greater customer satisfaction in the process. A regular exchange with all stakeholders and especially the client promotes flexible plans with good results. We at Appmatics show in five practical points how your office culture can become more agile.


Flexible goals

In agile project management, it is not the plan but the interaction that determines the procedure. You must be prepared to constantly adapt goals to changing circumstances. The ultimate goal is always a high business value for the client, while the scope and requirements change flexibly. What counts is not the initial plan, but the end result.



Scrum method

A popular element of agile project management is the Scrum method. You divide the project duration into sprints of two to four weeks, at the end of which there should be a functional product. This can then be further revised in consultation with the client. Through regular feedback, the product is adjusted until it exactly meets the requirements. Before each sprint, goals and tasks are defined, but these can be changed flexibly afterwards.


Constant interaction

Central is the constant communication and interaction between all stakeholders. In particular, contact with the:client:in is important so that the goal of a suitable end product can be achieved. Regular meetings and feedback rounds are crucial. . Internally, short morning stand-ups to discuss the situation or regular agile retrospectives are advisable so that tasks and progress are clear to all involved. External meetings should also be held on a regular basis. These should not be a pure status report, but rather a joint further development of the project.


Make work steps comprehensible

The focus in the agile office is less on documentation and more on communication. For this, it is important that all participants are always up to date and keep track of their tasks. In this way, projects can be developed further through personal interaction.

A common method for this is the Kanban Board. The noticeboards developed in Japan make the workflow visible in a simple way. In three columns, the task (To do), processing (Doing) and completion (Done) are displayed with sticky notes or index cards. In this way, everyone can always see what the others are currently doing and what the processing status is. The individual pieces of paper can be provided with notes and you can break down the middle column into different steps.



Give sense

What sounds religious at first should actually be a matter of course in every agile office. The employees must identify with the project, the visions and values. It should be clear to them why and for what they are doing a certain task. If you are developing an app, you should make it clear to your employees what exactly their contribution is to the development or app marketing. Not only will they be happier at work, but they will also be able to develop more goal-oriented solutions.



The most important points in agile project management are the constant communication of all participants and the flexible handling of goals. This way, you and your team can constantly react to the changing requirements of the customers and the technology. The focus is more on a functioning app than on its comprehensive documentation. We at Appmatics are convinced of the modern office culture.